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“I frequently quote the CDC because they are the ones most pro-gov, pro covid vax, and pro media people believe in but they are always contradicting themselves citing info that desputes their own findings and guidelines”

Pretty funny that you consider yourself as someone with a handle on these topics, one can deduce from your many posts that your position on these matters has no factual or knowledgeable basis, they are primarily emotional.

You have been unable to even present supporting data and most of your so-called arguments are pretty silly, such as alledging that there are broken URL links on the CDC website. (which silly me went to check, and they seem to be functioning pretty fine, they are not intended to point to any pages, rather it gets you to a placeholder on the very same page).

You also keep on moving the goal post and when anything is explained or pointed out, instead of taking a step back and considering changing your position, you then move on to something new.

The concerns you have mentioned against the Covid vaccine are unfounded and unsubstantiated, promoting these concerns will only cause more people to remain unvaccinated and prone to acquiring the virus. This puts people at great risk, especially those with high-risk factors. Why would you do that?