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> she is a special girl.

not knowing the girl, of course, but how would you ensure that in 20 years she is not going to post about her great skills in punishing her kids? R Pliskin writes a young lady who did not like how her mother was treating her father, and then was horrified that a month after the wedding, same words popped out of her mouth. A person needs to do serious work on his/her middos if they have bad influences in life. If they do, of course, they become indeed very special.

We discussed Rambam’s suggestion to temporarily switch a middah to an opposite side until you train yourself. R Twersky suggests joining AA-type groups – are there any Parent Anonymous groups out there? But, of course, the hardest part is for the person to commit to a change. R Twersky in exploring one case of a guy who had a great management job, a family, and was occasionally coming to be treated for drinking. He added up losing everything and everyone, but did not come back until he hit “rock bottom” – by eating from Salvation Army for which he used to collect funds in his office. He also suggests sometimes not to protect people on the way to “rock bottom” – the faster they hit it, the better. for example, not to pay debts for a gambler, or not protect an abusive person when police come.

Any other ideas/sources out there?