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Unfortunately, the missionaries target our weakest elements, such as the elderly or teens who’ve had a hard life and haven’t yet “found themselves.” There have been a two conversions to Christianity in my state that I am aware of in the last 5 years.

Are the missionaries wildly successful? No, baruch Hashem, and they never will be. But their tactics have changed over the years. Instead of trying to convert Jews to “Christianity” they now train their missionaries to speak in Jewish terms, trying to convince people belief in Yoshke is supposed to be the most Jewish thing to do… They have whole trainging manuals on how to talk to Jews. They will twist and twist the Torah and confuse people in their attempt to convince them that belief in Yoshke is kosher and, in fact, what Hashem wants.

So many Christians now walk around with a kippah and tallis and speak in Hebrew or Yiddish in order to woo people to their movement. They distance themselves from the crimes of Christianity, saying that it wasn’t Yoshke’s intent for that to happen.
Anything to get Jews to “believe.”

As for alternative medicine, it’s a very iffy area that many people aren’t aware of as being dangerous. Rav Belsky was very against many forms of alternative medicine.