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Common….i really don’t want to name names, but by and large, BTs are very sensitive to such things, moreso than people who might be closer to frumkeit in action, but never had to undergo an overhaul of hashkofa and emunah. The average BT knows the 13 ikkarim and can rattle off kuzari, rav hirsch, chovos halevavos and more off their fingertips – they had to learn more hashkofa to cleanse themselves of their past. The only people I’ve heard defend such practices have been “unzerer”, usually non-MO too. There is unfortunately a member of the moetzes who actively encourage energy healing – it pains me every time I think about it

Nobody’s listening to BTs that have long hair and are oisvarfs; it seems you have an axe to grind about BTs in general, that they’re the ones responsible for bringing outside influences into the klal. If anyone’s been successful in that regard, it’s been both the “frum” colleges and the age of accessibility of information via the internet, especially the bloggers of the early 2000s. Avi Weiss and his ilk were all FFBs, if you can call them such, as were the orthodox feminists…to a lesser extent, the cultural icons who have had negative influences such as Lipa are likewise almost all FFB.