Reply To: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus?

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Avram in MD

So my community seems to be on the other end of the spectrum from Syag’s. The Chabad shuls are well integrated with the rest of the frum community, the rabbonim generally work together on major communal issues, and I have never seen a yellow flag or heard “Yechi” around here.

One question I have about Chabad culture and achdus in general – it seems from my perspective that Chabad gives very little weight to gedolim and Jews outside of Chabad in chinuch. I’ve heard drashos in my shul that bring stories of Lubavitch rebbes, and one of my young children’s favorite gedolim stories is R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi and the miser who would only offer an old green copper coin. But even in the well integrated Chabad community here, in drashos, stories, and publications, I really only see Chabad rebbes or Jews mentioned (and gedolim who pre-date Chabad). Why is there no mention of non-Chabad gedolim and Jews?