Reply To: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs Reply To: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs

Avram in MD


“I hope this thead does not morph into a anti Chabad forum”

Yet you started a thread attacking what they almost exclusively do. Troll meet thyself.

“my issue is with people competing with santa and xmas tree lighting that was never done since we established chanuka, not Chabad per se.”

So go after the people who put those giant blow-up bears with kippas and dreydels in their front yards, or those who do the laser light magen davids dancing on their houses under twinkly snowflake decorations next door to the houses with Xmas lights. I’ve never had the sense that the Chabad menoras on minivans shtick is competition with Xmas. They do sukkos on pickup trucks, lag baomer barbecues with bounce houses and loud music, and they stand outside sports stadiums with tefillin. They make a pretty big spectacle about everything.

“FYI I wrote quite a number of post negitive of the need to have frum people make a motorcade for trump and frankly that is a few people gping overboard in voicing an opinon for a political candidate.”

Can you show me links to these posts? Must’ve been somewhere other than the thread you started to specifically talk about the level of support for Trump.