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Part 1
“There is no such חוות יאיר.”

This is incorrect IT is siman 31

At one point he says “וא”כ לפי מ”ש היה היתר גמור שאלתך אשר שאלת מדין תורה לולי המנהג הפשוט בינינו וביניהם מפני גדר פרצות המריצות והזונים אחריהם”

To be clear, he doesnt say its mutar, Hashchasa zera isnt “אף כי י”ל דאשה נמי נהי דלא מפקדא אפריה ורביה מ”מ שייךם בה קצת מצו’ לשבת יצרה כמ”ש ריב”ם בגיטין דמיא לכן אע”ג דמותר לה לשתות כוס עיקרין כבס”פ הבע”י וכמ”ש רמב”ם וטור א”ה סי’ ה’ מ”מ לעשות מעשה לא שרינן”

but its not murder

“But l’maskono he paskens the Rambam Rashi and Tosfos who klor learn the sugya in Sanhedrin as רציחה ממש”

Definitely not “learn klr” There is a stira in Tosfos (see Tosfors Sanhedrin 59a Leica MEidam), Rashi says it isnt murder “Not a nefesh” Rambam does (acording to most )

Though we don;t have to get bogged down on this. As I said earlier there are a few shitos that hold its murder. No question there .

And I am not arguing abortion is muttar, that isnt my opinion at all.
I’m not arguing that it should be allowed in any particular case. I am not a posek, and even if I was such a psak is way above my pay grade.
Sure I can (and have) guided someone who is in such a position to a local center that can direct such questions to Rabbonim that deal with these terrible situations (they never got Avir’as memo “That being said, in practical halacha, the great tzitz eliezer should not be counted together with rav moshe. They were simply in different universes. A psak from the tzitz eliezer when compared to the ineffably vast torah depth and bredth of רשכבה”ג maran rav moshe, is not counted.” )

To be clear I am not debating if abortion is if it Deoraysa/Drabbanon due to murder or soemthing else this is not a new question It has been discussed again and again by those way more qualified. I have absolutely nothing to add to that discussion.

I am just commenting on a few incorrect statements you’ve made (and talking in learning a little as questions arise) Here they are:
“Anyone who promotes abortion rights is a racist on a genocidal level.”
““It created a constitutional right out of thin air sans amendment.””
“The abortion issue is not church and state. Abortion is murder. Period”
“רציחה is so basic a moral imperative that it’s being a ייהרג ואל יעבור does not even require a posuk; a crude svora suffices.”

I asked questions on the first 2 (unanswered sadly) the last two I didnt ask a question because I don’t have any .
the murder comment is debated. and the last one is simply wrong. Mai chazis DOES NOT apply to abortion. WE DO choose one over the other (either because its being rodef, or because its not a nefesh etc etc)