Reply To: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? Reply To: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold?

TS Baum

@ Avram in MD
Yes, in a perfect world there would be no meshichistim.
If you check out this:
You will see all these extreme extreme chareidim who don’t care about safety or law. (everybody ahs different opinions, but that’s not the point). You have these people also.
In a perfect world there would be none of these extreme chareidim.

This may have been said on a different topic, but it’s to answer your question about anybody speaking up. I’ll tell you straight up – at all costs possible – we don’t want to cause even more machlokes and divide in luabvitch.

One thing I can tell you is that by causing more sinas chinam and bashing them does not help. I don’t either think a YWN CR Forum will help either, I think this was made just to give the coffee room a bit more life.

What we can do is daven for Moshiach as much as we can, so it will become clear to everybody who the real Moshaich is, and the world will be perfect, and also have a bit more ahavas yisrael.

(If you tell me, but Ts, it’s a real problem and it needs to be stopped by calling them kofrim, which I don’t think the gemara in sanhedrin says that people like them would be kofrim, their just stating a possiblity as a fact, and a fact that matters a lot, and we can’t say it’s true unless we know it is. I will tell you that it simply doesn’t help, the way to help is to daven.