Reply To: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? Reply To: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold?


Avira > chabad are the only Jews who think there’s value in getting random frei people to put tefilin on once, and that this brings the geulah.

your mind always focusing on finding where someone is wrong. Naturally, your sharp mind finds it in any group you believe are wrong. Rinse, repeat. I know a lot of ehrliche yidden, ranging from moschihists to normal Chabad to non-Chabad to anti-Chabad who were educated by Chabad shluhim. Some were indeed first stopped on campus by “excluse me, are you Jewish”, others came to shul themselves.

I am sure these shluchim will get their reward in olam habo, even if they obnoxious or ignorant in some other ways. I hope, but less sure, that you’ll get reward for your sharp opinions. There are a lot of opinions saying that value of Torah learning is devalued by personal shortcomings.