Reply To: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? Reply To: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold?


Why do you give any credibility to TS BAUM as the defender of lubavitch. he sounds like a nice bochur but hes not representing anyone except himself. if you wana know what chabad is about learn Eyin Beis, if you wana know about chai vkaim and all those inyanim learn the sicha of vyaakov lo meis ( i think nun beis). if you wana just shtech and shtech then im sorry for interupting and you may continue after jabbing this comment a couple times. 🙂