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RebE, As I mentioned, Rambam keeps others and himself out of line of fire with the caveat that math should be judged based on proofs. And as long as those computations are correct, I don’t see how Einstein changes anything. But then I am an applied mathematician, care more about results than inner beauty.

I did find the chapter surprisingly easy written. I usually find math written between Babylon and Leibnitz totally impossible to read.

It is a pretty simple algorithm, going first through simple rules and then requiring going further only in some cases. Really a well-written code, separating computations into multiple simple operations and logical statements on how to proceed. I don’t know whether this is Rambam’s personal maala, or Arabs or Greeks before him.

PS For interesting connections between Gemora and math/economics look up lectures by Yisrael / Robert Aumann (Frankfurt, RJJ, CUNY, MIT). One is about widows in Ketubot 93, daf yomi people have a month to figure out how this relates to Reb/Prof Aumann’s Nobel prize.