Reply To: Chasidus Without Context

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Dear Avirah,

If you only include Yidden that are from communities to the right of MO, with no forms of Zionism, and no connection to Chabad, that will be significantly less than five percent of all Yidden.

If this is hard for you to calculate, think of this: How many of the half a million Yidden in South America will make your count? Twenty five thousand would be five percent. Or think of this. There are more Yidden in Florida than NJ. Only half the synagogues in NY are even Orthodox. And not even half the Yidden of Brooklyn will make the cut.

But you have a bigger problem. I am still included in your accounting of Klal Yisrael. It’s a never ending Jihad. The only way to claim your (The same is true for anyone else. There are dozens of books that make your argument.) opinions speak for Authentic Judaism, is to declare yourself it’s mouthpiece. Otherwise, opinions are just opined and don’t hold up to vigorous Torah study.