Reply To: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach

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I like the thought. I like the he’orah. It is a chiddush which may be a possibility. However, you have not brought any proof to it.
You actually seem to be mixing together 2 possibilities.
1) That the Toras Hachasidus is “Penimius HaTorah,” (which I believe is a more standard consideration,) which you want to say that Toras Hamussar is also Penimius HaTorah.
This I do not see. It is not mistabra that Mussar is the Penimus HaTorah that Chassidus is meant to be.
2) That Toras Hachissidus is meant to teach one to be oived H’ be’leiv with one’s heart. In which case one can argue that Toras Hamussar accomplishes the same thing. This I found interesting.
However, regarding what you said that the Yeshivos accomplish this with Mussar, I have not seen Yeshivos really focusing on Mussar to this degree.
I would venture to defend the Yeshivos, by understanding that the hatzlachah fun a zach is liggen in dem. Bachurim and even young yungeleit have to lig and focus on one thing to succeed. Eat, sleep and breathe Baba Kama, Baba Metziah or Eiruvin, whatever they are learning to first become Talmidei Chachamim. Afterwards, they can focus on Mussar and Avoidas H’ be’lev. Loi am ha’aretz chasid.
Also, Mussar, and for Sefer Choivois Halevavois to go into you, requires maturity and having R”n gone through some of life’s tribulations, which comes later on. (I, personally, have found this difference myself, how Mussar and Choivas Halevavois did not really work for me in my younger days, the way it works for me now, older and having gone through mill [to say the least…])