Reply To: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) Reply To: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!)


@querty613 you are the one who is obsessed with the Rebbe being thought of as Moshiach. Again according to Chazal anyone from the living and anyone from the meisim can be Moshiach for as long as he is considered fit to be Moshiach…. As is proved from Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach…. Time to move on and actually actualize your profound belief and love in Hashem and translate that into ahavas hatorah and ahavas yisroel and stop the sinas chinam, slander and sophistry.