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CS: “Qwerty,
The Rebbe didn’t make up the term Nassi, it’s found in rashi, and other sefarim. The other Rebbeim used it too , as far as I know. In any case it’sa description of a position. No more arrogant than you going by the title of your profession.”

I believe that I can take the credit for saying that the term Nassi, as applied by Lubavich, was made up by Lubavich – quite possibly the LR we are dealing with. Not Qwerty. I have written about it at some length on earlier threads.

Of course it’s found in Rashi and other sefarim. I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s also in Chumash and the gemoro. But it has not applied to anyone for a millennium and a half. That is until Lubavich, in their great humility, decided to use it for themselves.