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“Simply, it doesn’t make sense. If the LR was himself Mashiach why refer to his father-in-law as Mashiach? And why “get answers” from his father-in-law’s grave? Wasn’t he good enough to be Mashiach on his own, or has Mashiach in your mind become a Siamese-twin concept? (Please don’t tell me that since the Rambam doesn’t say anything against it, that might indeed be the case ☹.)”

The Rebbe was completely batul to his father in law, and only finally agreed to take on the nesius when his wife, (FR’s daughter) told him that if he doesn’t do so, all her fathers work will go to waste. The Rebbe was Malchus which is the sefira that doesn’t have anything of its own but crowns the next level. The Rebbe campaigned for every chossid to have a mashpia and this was the Rebbes mashpia. Etc. in Lubavitch we have no problem being batul to the Rebbe, seeing how great he was and yet so incredibly batul to the Frierdiker Rebbe. In any case the Moshiach of the generation The Rebbe always considered his father in law. In the last two years of The Rebbes nesius, we saw some indications that this had switched to the Rebbe as the head of dor shvii.

“In lubavitch, a Rebbe is not an inspirational yid.”

Your naivete is showing once again! I have never heard a chossid of any Rebbe referring to his Rebbe as simply being an ‘inspirational Yid’. When will you learn that all the garbage taught to you in your Chassidic hashkafa classes – call them what you will – was designed to have you believe (wrongly, of course) that Lubavich is on an unbelievably higher level than Menagdim, Pailisher chassidim etc? It is all a crutch for you to lean on when you come face to face with people whose hashkofos are really Torah-true, and to prevent you realising that yours are false, misleading and dangerous.”

No I actually got this education from outside of lubavitch starting from when I was in eighth grade and a Rebbes granddaughter was boasting about her zeidas car and it didn’t compute in my head that that would be something of importance to a Rebbe until she explained to me that their Rebbes aren’t the same anymore due to yeridas hadoros. Btw even the mashpiim etc of lubavitch, who understand as much about the Rebbe as a goat does, to quote R Hillel Paritcher, who was actually a tzaddik (not that todays are), could care less about physical status symbols.

It then continued with the exposure to other groups and their lack of understanding of our natural bitul
to the Rebbe, which makes sense in this light.

Finally, your question about just replacing the Rebbe and a certain candidate you and others have referred to, just all confirm the same thing. My idea of a Rebbe and yours are completely different. Apples and oranges.

“He said, “They should not be singing a niggun of a group who consider only themselves as having the true path.”

We don’t consider ourselves as having the only true path, but we chose it because we think it’s the best path (as I hope others feel they found the best for them) and we feel incredibly lucky to be the Rebbes chassidim.

“but there are references to it being the dor hashvii”

What are the sources of those references?”

Fair question. This is really inside info though only meant for those individuals who are already living with a geula mindset and seriously interested to know for the right reasons. I can tell you that if you learn the sichos of 5751 and 5752, especially with a Lubavitcher, and pay attention to the footnotes, there’s a ton of info in them, including what you’re asking. I know you won’t be doing that, but that’s my part in answering.

“And while I’m on a quest for sources, can you please provide a source for your claim that when the Ramban said we rejected yoshke because yoshke had died, he did not really mean it, and he only said it because that was all he could say?”

I’ve asked someone, in the meantime, you and YB should please answer how the Ramban could contradict the gemara (think it’s sanhedrin 98) which says that Moshiach can come from the dead or the living, and Rashi brings two examples of individuals thus suited from both. We all know the Gemara predated the Ramban.