Reply To: The Jewish National Anthem

Home Forums Controversial Topics The Jewish National Anthem Reply To: The Jewish National Anthem


The postings of joseph and itzik and others of the same persuasion have more in common with purim torah than reality. I’ll just let joseph and itzik continue their phantasmagoric comments that have absolutely no connection with reality. Hundreds of thousands?? They must be well hidden because I have been to some of these demonstrations and the neturei karat has difficulty getting one hundred people together, let alone hundreds of thousands…The same goes for new york…I have seen the pathetic few imbeciles who appear at Palestinian demonstrations (so much for not reaching out to the sonei yisroel)and you can count them on one hand- OK, maybe two hands but I ‘ll have a few fingers to spare..

You can go on spouting your ridicuius assertions and live in your imaginary world and we, the yidden of Eretz ysroel of all persuasions, will continue building a real state with a real Torah infusion, benefiting millions of Jews and ultimately bringing the ‘geulah shleimah” through the efforts of those dastradly Zionists.