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a reply to an email that I sent to YeshivaNet asking:

—- Original Message

Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 11:51 PM

Subject: ISP

> there is a whole discussion on Yeshiva World News re: ISP.


> there are around 6 people posting using the same ISP, they are claiming

> system route people all through the sme ISP?







the response:Subject: Re: IPs

Date: 11/2/2008 1:27:57 AM

From: YeshivaNet Support

To: mdlevine…

CC: [email protected]

Thanks for pointing this thread out to us.

We don’t have an account on YWN, so please feel free to post this

message to the list.

Yes, many users share the same IPs.

We have local access numbers across the US, and we recently began

providing DSL nationwide as well, not only in Verizon service areas.

Hope this clears things up.

Yosi Greenfield

YeshivaNet Support