Reply To: Science Discovers Tznius

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I don’t wear “whatever I want”; I put a lot of effort into making sure that I dress modestly, but of course modesty is subject to interpretation. I do wear red and other bright colors, and I do wear pants, since I don’t see anything wrong with either. I’m not asking men to walk the streets with their eyes closed, but at the same time, I cannot be expected to conform to somebody else’s conception of modesty simply because he might see me on the street. Those who are extremely concerned about this would do well to live in neighborhoods like Boro Park where women like me don’t live.

For me, modesty does not mean that I should try not to be noticeable. As I have stated before, I don’t think that there is anything wrong with men noticing women, nor do I believe that it is my duty to dress “moderately and inconspicuously”. Why is it a problem if a man should “look my way?” My clothes are loose-fitting and they cover the areas that need to be covered, so I don’t see how there any danger in him noticing me.

“We Bichlal don’t belong on the streets, we belong at home.” Sources for this idea would be helpful.