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GMAB: I’m glad that I have made you laugh (yes I know this is just an expression like us being the apathetic imbeciles you say we are) but regardless…

Quote #1: You make me laugh. Are you saying you’re such a tzaddik you have nothing to worry about?

Response: While I can see how you would come to think that was the point I was trying to state, however when looking in context, my reference was in regards to eating meat. There are plenty of things that I will (then and now) have to worry about but eating meat isn’t one of them. I have a source from the Torah that permits me to eat meat. I have the shulchan orach and mishnah brurah that states how meat is preferable to eat in many situations and I have the example of many many Tzaddikim and Gedolim who have no problem today eating meat.

Quote #2: Many murderers ate meat too.

Response: Thank you, but I already knew that. So have many electricians, plumbers and I would even bet many doctors, lawyers and presidents eat meat too. Eating meat does not make me a Tzaddik nor does not eating it. It’s the big picture of all our actions that make us who we are.

Quote #3: Does the permission to eat meat override the prohibition of tza’ar ba’alei Chaim?

I don’t exactly think so.

Response: No, it doesn’t, but then again you have failed to provide a situation where eating all meat and fowl is considered Tzar Ba’ali Chaim. Being that I have connections to many individuals who have worked in meat and chicken slaughter houses I have taken the time to call them up and have yet to find a place that would be problematic. Then I spoke to several local (and not so local) poskim who deal with meat” kashrus and asked them what they feel about it and they all said it was ok both regards to kashrus and Tzar Ba’alei Chaim.

So, do I think that there are “some” people who are abuse animals for profit and gain…Yes I have seen it and have spoken out against it. Is there a reason to stop eating meat…….no there isn’t. I have spoken to Da’as Torah and have yet to see any benefit of going above and beyond what they our representatives of G-d have spoken to me.

Quote #4 (out of order but placed last since it was not directed towards me)

Does it REALLY help us serve HaShem?

You may have a valid point, but consider the following: The way animals are farmed today, don’t you think that (considering it IS helping you serve HaShem) it’s a Mitzvah haba b’aveira (tza’ar ba’alei chayim)?

Response: This is your opinion. You seem to be quite out numbered by the many leaders of our generation who do eat meat.

Now, after all is said and done. It’s nice that you have a cause. It’s nice that you live towards something that you believe to be important. However, you still have yet to bring a proof why we shouldn’t eat meat and you have failed to provide proof that animals are being treated poorly in all situations. You do a disservice to us and yourself to try to guilt us into believing in your cause. The bottom line is that I see nothing wrong and can see that many others who much bigger and greater than I am feel the same way. Somehow if there would be a legitimate concern for this, then there would be more vegetarians out there and yet there are not.