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Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Tenor of Discussion on YWN: When Discussions Become Acrimonious Reply To: Tenor of Discussion on YWN: When Discussions Become Acrimonious


well, notpashut–I have NEVER,NEVER heard the logic you are talking about. Look, I am not going to question your words and maybe some of the Rabbonim you mentioned did think that way, BUT there is an eiruv (actually about four diferent ones) in Jerushalaim, there are eiruvim in every city in Eretz Yisroel, there is a big eiruv in Monsey and in Skver and numerous other cities across the world. Obviously, the thinking that you wrote about did not bother any of the many,many,many Poskim and gedolim who made those eiruvim throughout the centuries. So, not to make an eiruv in Flatbush or Boro park, based on halachich reasons, “dos vershtei ich”, but to avoid making an eiruv for the reasons you quote negates every single halacha because, maybe this and maybe that….

Basically, I stand with my original opinion, you are welcome to follow your Rav and allow other people to follow his.