Reply To: The Kollel Revolution!

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mariner and Yitzy – I might have apepared unclear – I am adamantly opposed to the type of Kollel situation we see today, no ifs, ands, or buts. But when someone was comparing the kollel MEN (you’re right, and I also agree they are not boys, I was just using the expression Kollel Boy), to minorities who take welfare (and even that is a little unfair to say, as there are non-minorities also benefiting from welfare, and I realized that after I posted my last comment), let’s get real and agree that whether or not we feel Kollelism is right for our children, at least they are not out doing horrible things in society either to themselves or to others. At least they are living off welfare BUT they are using the time to learn Torah. I feel safer walking down the street when there are a bunch of Kollel learners walking, then when there are a bunch of non-Jews who can’t hold down a job and don’t want to walking by.