Reply To: The Kollel Revolution!

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Right, but the debate going on right here is not between Rav Kanievsky, the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Scheinberg and Rav Elyashiv, (or any other gedolim for that matter,) and those who ARE immersed in Torah in our generation DO say what I mentioned in my last post, and they (not us) have the authority to say whether a hora’as sha’ah which overrides that mishnah applies today or not. And each person should ask the advice of their own Rav as to what they should be doing.

IMHO, it sounds like you have an agenda here and won’t hear anything I have to say – in which case as Rav Chaim Brisker would say “you don’t have questions, you have answers”. The only reason I bother giving a response is for the others reading these posts, that they shouldn’t be mislead by your conclusions (read agendas). But my kavannos are l’sheim shamayim, and while people should do the right things for them (as their Rav helps them ascertain, I am beginning to feel like a broken record), my concern is for the heilige yidden reading this to keep the right perspective of priorities in Hashem’s eyes (and the Torah’s eyes, as per our gedolim). If you want to take issue with the gedolim go ahead and give them a call :p – but in all seriousness on this forum realize you have a huge achrayus for everyone reading the thread if you want to air out your opinions to the hamon am – without a Rav who is a Yarei Shamayim IN OUR GENERATION who agrees with you and back you up.