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BTW, just a quick aside to the bove posting on “bashing” chareidim and their gedolim.

Last time I looked, Rav menashe Klein shelitsa,the person most responsible for the eiruv, is a chareidi.

Last time I looked, Rav Ovadia Josef shelita, who DID call Rav Sherman’s psak a lack of ahavas yisroel, is a chareidi.

Last time I looked, all the Lubavitcher shelichim and certainly their Rabbonim are chareidim.

Last time I looked, Rav Grossman shelita is also a chareidi.

And Rav Moshe Feinstein zz’l ,whose kullos were far-reaching in many areas, was a chareidi too.

So, notpashut, please don’t say that I, or others, bash chareidim. We don’t.

All we do is use our own minds and look at the facts critically. And yes, a times, it makes us doubt some gedolim’s words. If this is called “bashing’ chareidim, so be it. I sure am not going to give up my sechel and shikul hadaas for anyone.