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From the way your posts are presented it sounds to me as though based on the chinuch you have recieved in your life you try to be the best jew you can be.

You don’t assume that anyone “frummer” than you is a fanatic – on the contrary – if they bring up a good point, you are GLAD TO HEAR IT AND ACCEPT IT.

Most of the “fights” that we have are based on what I percieve to be as your basic lack of understanding of the “yeshivishe hashkafa”, NOT your animosity toward it.

I would term you (the ultimate compliment) a “BEN (or bas) ALIYA” – which is what Hashem wants from all of us.

I hope that answers your question.

Unfortunately it seems (an understatement) that other posters are the exact opposite of everything I just wrote about you & months of reading their garbage (there is no nicer way to phrase it) is what caused me to finally “blow my stack”.

I will send another post in a moment which I think really needs to be read – TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY – & absorbed by all those who want to do Ratzon Hashem.

It is what separates a ben- torah from all other people.

Although I have posted it before I think it needs to be posted again.