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“R’ Moshe zt”l paskened that you don’t need ch9olov yisrael in the US. Would you consider R’ Moshe a maikel?”

He kept CY for himself, and within his response was the admonition that those who do hold with CY not cause Jews who do not feel in anyway inferior. Having said that, I could be wrong but I think the question he responded to was regarding where it was impossible to get CY milk. Nowadays one can get CY products with more ease, and it may be that this opinion has been stretched beyond its intended purpose.

Maybe not.

I think it is very important that those who hold to a stringency not look down on those who are more lenient as long as the leniency is within the halacha.

Many things are permitted, although not obigations. This does not mean that Jews are better off to indulge in everything that is not prohibited.