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“notpashut: Sometimes, you’re not “relying on the maikel”. For example, R’ Moshe zt”l paskened that you don’t need ch9olov yisrael in the US. Would you consider R’ Moshe a maikel”?

First of all, R Moshe himself said (unless I am very much mistaken)that regarding cholov yisroel “Ba’al nefesh yachmir”.

Second of all RoB has been making the argument all along that YES – R’ Moshe was a maikel!

“When a “yeshivish” crowd accepts a chumrah as a whole, it doesn’t become halachah”.

I agree, the only point I’ve been trying to drill through all your heads is that they need not be villified for doing so either.

Additionally, it must be cleary ascertained as to whether they are really being “machmir” at all, maybe everybody else is being maikel.

This has been discussed in depth on much of this “page”.

Mountain educator,

“Taking Chumros to impress, that affects others, or to be ‘in’ is definatly not a inyan”.

Of Course.