Reply To: Chumros = Kids Off The Derech?

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I don’t have time to read this whole discussion, but I agree with notpashut. I’ve been visting blogs and frum forums for years, and chareidi bashing seems to be the (sub)conscious agenda on the majority of them. Many people think that open mindedness goes one way. It’s PC to be open minded about anyone less religious or less machmir, but hatred and mocking of anything chareidi is perfectly acceptable. This is the general “mood” on the internet, and it even filters down to sites like Yeshivaworld, although to a lesser extent.

“It is the chareidei black hat olam that generaly say that there mehalach is the only one that can really be called Torah yiddishkeit NOT the other way around. “

Funny I should read this 5 minutes after reading a post on a different blog that stresses the importance of letting the world know that certain customs observed in certain chareidi communities are not normative Judaism.