Reply To: Our Society And a Developing Crisis

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I also just want to weigh in on the wedding ring issue. R’ Moshe Feinstein writes in an anaf of a teshuva that I read through (I forgot where, I will try to find it) that a man wearing a ring that his wife gives him is NOT chukas ha goyim (that is, if it was NOT part of a double ring ceremony) it is permissible because it’s just “noy”, like a man wearing cufflinks or a good watch as jewelry. He also writes that the issur of a double ring ceremony is more related to the takana that was put in place regarding mayim she’uvim than chukas hagoyim. Basically, he felt that it was very possible and real an observer of the ceremony would conclude that it was ALSO a kiyum kedushin should a woman give a man a ring – he’d go and permit this or do it himself and be living then b’issur.