Reply To: Convention


Syrian, the reality is that your 95% is impossible!! I can guarantee you it is not possible. First of all the entire community is not all able to afford the rents and the price of the day camps. With rentals for homes starting in the $10,000 for the whole summer and not to mention that day camps in Deal are even more costlier than in Broolyn, coupled with fact of commuting back and forth for Husbands to Manhattan/NYC to the Jersey shore and even taking the train is expensive as well!! With Tutions costing so much. It is impossible for all the Sephardim to be in Deal. Are you in Brooklyn in the summer?? There are quite a few day camps that cater exclusively to the Sephardic community with tons of kids who remain in Brooklyn, not to mention the Askenaz day camps as well. I know because I send my Kids to Ashkenaz Day camps and the sephardic kids most of the time have their own bunks. BYA, Mesores, Chaim Berlin Ruach, Ohr Shraga… just to name a few. Also, alot of the frum sephardim go away to the country. Actually, in one of the schools it is MANDATORY for the High School boys to attend sleepaway camp. Also, there are even a few sephardim who even are in Monsey for the summer. I can’t believe that you as a syrian, are sterotyping yourself. Most of my friends are in Brooklyn.