Reply To: Revealing Personal Info in the CR

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I was not referring to you. I was originally not going to confirm or deny any “who are you referring to” questions, but not at the expense of leaving someone else feeling bad. The poster(s) I was referring to said nothing wrong, but would not want their identit(ies) revealed because of the personal nature of info they revealed.

charlie brown-

Thank you. It’s nice to see people being so concerned about yenem’s kavod and feelings.


There are some issues here that don’t have a “one size fits all” answer.

For instance:

“If you’re afraid of being unmasked, never post anything that could be embarrassing”

What about..

1) – a baal teshuva who was frum-from-birth, went off the derech, and is now back who would like to give helpful advice from a been-there-done-that perspective?

2) – someone who experienced an abusive spouse and wants to explain that simply “not telling” when it comes to shidduch info is not always the correct approach?

3) – someone who is having agmis nefesh from a child, be it academically, behaviorally, or hashkafically? The questioner and the answerer undoubtedly would like their privacy kept.

4) – a young person who is having serious issues or doubts and needs someone to speak to, but doesn’t know where to turn?

5) – someone who is having physical or mental health issues and/or questions and would like to find someone to speak to?

6) – someone who is having difficulty with a social acquaintance, coworker, or family member and could use some advice?

“Never give out contact info”

What about…

1) There are a couple of girls who found a common interest on the “running” thread, and wanted to meet up to go running together.

2) The offer (not accepted) my wife and I extended to speak with a parent who was considering a school that I know quite well for her daughter.

3) A couple of guys who are interested in the same sugya getting together to learn (I haven’t seen it happen yet, but definitely a possibility).

4) People who may have helpful advice on touchy and personal issues (medical, family, etc.) based on their own experiences (such as one person who posted about the difficulty their so was having finding a yeshiva that met his needs).

5) A shadchan who may want to pass along his/her info to a single on this site based on stated interests and hashkofos.

There are many, many more instances where it may be sensible to make exceptions.

I wish the editor and moderators much hatzlocha in making the correct judgments and decisions.