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Using an insulting name does not lend credibility to your stance. Yes, the Rabbonim and Seforim discuss these halachik issues. Frum men don’t discuss these issue with young women they meet on the street and on the internet. These issues are discussed in the Bais Medrash as well, not on the streetcorner or on blogs.

I’m not sure who you refer to by “young girl”, but I referred to young women, and you know very well who these are. Is discussing makeup with strange older women any more tznius?

I think some frum men are already past the slippery slope stage, engaging in conversations which are an astounding breach of our Mesorah of separation. The informal and highly personal dialogue found here between the genders on such a topic evidences the compromised state of tznius that is unfortunately seen with increasing frequency, particularly on the internet.

If you can handle the constructive criticism without resorting to insults, Zalman, you are definitely on the road up.