Reply To: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet Reply To: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet



So the tables have turned. How did this happen to us?

“I merely possess a higher level of intellectual honesty than you do”

Also what happened to your own request that “Thusfar, this topic has retained a high level of both intellectual honesty, as well as a low level of personal/ad homenum attacks. Can we keep it that way?”

“and therefore are able to concede with grace”

So you followed this sentence with a request to Joseph asking him to explain his position. So what exactly did you conede to? How can you concede to an opinion you dont understand?


I do not have any anti-rabbonim or anti-Torah ideas. I just have different ideas then you. If your ideas and views of Das Torah are the only right ones then how would you view Jews from previous generations who did have emunas chachomim, but for different reasons then you. Or for which things they sought after a Rav’s advice and council. No body ever asked the Pnei Yehoshua what do eat for dinner.

And how would you like it if I said your ideas are apikorsis for your views about beings of flesh and blood?