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Pashuteh Yid

Chaverim, you know I am not condoning it. I said I am not paskening anything. I am just laying out the shayla. During wartime or the conquest of a land bad things happen. You know that in Tanach, bad things happened during war as well. All I am saying is that this one mayseh does not speak for all Zionists.

During the holocaust, there was this frum Jewish fellow (possibly named Rumkowski) who had assisted the Nazis in meeting their quotas. While the gemara says we cannot turn over any Jew, and better if they all die, this fellow decided he would placate the Nazis by turning over the elderly and unfit to work (I think children also), to show “good faith” that the others would work and in turn be saved. He figured otherwise they would all be killed, as the Nazis threatened.

At the end of the war, other frum Jews took him and beat him to death. There was no beis din or protocol or psak din followed. They simply beat him with their bare hands. During difficult times, abnormal things happen.