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How can you compare the actions of an out and out moiser like Rumkowski OLBM (who according to Wikipedia was actually a Zionist BTW and does not seem to have been frum by any accounts I am able to find), to any of the actions which prompted Ben Gurion’s crew to kill either deHaan or the Irgun activists in cold blood?

Rumkowski asked parents to hand over their children for extermination. This is subhuman, regardless of the circumstances, and in so doing he gave the Nazis a victory by sinking to their level.

Comparing this to anything else is beyond ludicrous and either shows delusion, lack of proper research and/or an out and out desire to mislead. Your incorrect facts seem to indicate that you are conflating some story that circulated somewhere or another with the real history of Rumkowski OLBM.

In fact, you just gave fuel to the extremists who call the government of EY the Judenrat. That is going way too far; they are deluded, not evil, and unlike the Judenrat which truly did control the life of its unfortunate subjects, EY is a free country and it is very easy to escape the Zionist malaise as so many Israelis do by just moving abroad. (Tzipi Livni herself said that living in Israel is now optional, and Olmert’s children live outside EY.)

In reality, the misleaders in EY are just children playing government with their rich Uncle Sam’s money the way children play house and store with toys their parents give them.

What I do not know is whether the idea of a state in EY before Moshiach is doomed to fail because it is not meant to happen, or whether it is just that the state is mismanaged because it is steeped in secularism just as the reign of Ahav and Izevel, or Yoravam ben Navot, was steeped in avoida zoro and rishus.

I still believe that if one prime minister stood up and said: “Listen, world. We do not live in EY because of what happened on May 14, 1948. We live here because it was here that Avraham Avinu recognized the One G-d and it was here to which we returned 3300 years ago with Moshe Rabbeinu” it would change everything. So far, no prime minister, left or right, has done that.

They have all forgotten, or have never learned, that am segula depends only on Hashem and when we do that we can rise above world politics. After the Churban, we should have realized once and for all that we have no one except ourselves and our Father in Heaven. With the exception perhaps of R’ Meir Kahane HYD I know of no Zionist, religious or secular, who rose to that level. And that is why left and right banned his party, which some say would have gotten 18 seats during the last election before he was killed al kiddush Hashem. (no, I don’t accept nor do I wish to argue R’ Kahane HYD’s shitta but even if he was a self appointed Pinchas whose shitta had no real basis in Torah and was really Jabotinsky’s pie in the sky philosophy dressed with a yarmulke, he was on the right track.)