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KiloBear, I now understand where you are coming from. You really are an ardent Zionist, but disappointed that the state is not more right wing than it is. But whereas many of us are just as disappointed as you, we haven’t given up and turned against it, whereas you have. BTW I believe that Netanyahu just said exactlly what you wanted him to say, and almost all the PM’s have talked about our age-old rights in Yerushalayim, so I don’t know why you ignore these speeches. They all say Jlem will never be divided as it is the heart of the history of our nation, etc. Please reread some of the past and current speeches.
In addition, there is not a single Jew who deep down does not believe that our yeshuos and victories in EY were anything less than miraculous. Nobody believes that Tzahal alone could have pulled off what they did. Yes, I am upset about the loss of 3,000 boys in the Yom Kippur war. But that tragedy doesn’t make me give up on the state. I was furious about Gush Katif, but I still haven’t given up.
You really are not in the Satmar camp, although you use a lot of subterfuge to throw people off what you truly believe. The Kahane part was the tip-off.
As far as Rumkowski, obviously he was an ocher yisroel. Nevertheless, according to halacha, I believe he would still require a beis din to give him a din misa, and that there is no heter to kill someone after the fact without a beis din shel esrim vshloshah. Nevertheless, it happened. We can’t judge those who killed him, as nobody knows what they were feeling. (I hope that it is Rumkowski who I am referring to. Else it was someone similar, as I read an article years ago about this person.)