Reply To: Melacha Sh’einah Tzricha L’gufa

Home Forums Yom Tov Melacha Sh’einah Tzricha L’gufa Reply To: Melacha Sh’einah Tzricha L’gufa



1) I long ago brought the Rema regarding a house fire who clearly holds that even complete kibuyi is permitted when it can be classified as ochel nefesh.

2) Reb Moshe writes EXPLICITLY that there is no difference between partial and complete kibuyi. Who are your, again anonymous, “Poskim”?

3) Reb Moshe EXPLICITLY forbids turning off the gas to a stove when it is not ochel nefesh. Who are your, again anonymous, “Poskim”?

4) While it is certainly true that Igros Moshe does not contain every psak Reb Moshe rendered during his lifetime, you can not ignore 3 explicit printed psakim where he forbids turning off a stove. Certainly Reb Moshe’s family and talmidim count, but only for what they really said. So far you are the only person in the world privy to the knowledge that Reb Moshe’s “talmidim and family members” heard from him differently then he wrote in Igros. Please submit the names and phone numbers of these “talmidim and family members” as well as the “POSKIM” to whom this contradictory psak is well know so I can call them to confirm and hear the reasoning.