Reply To: Melacha Sh’einah Tzricha L’gufa

Home Forums Yom Tov Melacha Sh’einah Tzricha L’gufa Reply To: Melacha Sh’einah Tzricha L’gufa


It’s sad that this thread has descended from a vigorous, polite Torah discussion to the present situation.

cherrybim: I AM a Rav, please name the “renowned Rav” to me so I can discuss the sugya with him on a Rav to Rav basis. You may have learned Halacha for 20 years, but you are surprisingly unwilling to explain why a melacha sheina tzricha l’gufa is “not kibuyi” and how you explain the other 2 teshuvos from Reb Moshe. Also you undermine your credibility when you “guess” that Reb Moshe was referring to a gas stove with a wick.

I think I have more then fulfilled my obligation of due diligence by quoting numerous sources, which you have not even attempted to disprove. I have spoken to many Rabbonim, none of whom have heard of this supposed heter. I don’t know of anyone who learned in MTJ, feel free to post names and telephone numbers of Talmidei Chachomim who learned there I could call for information. I have asked a number of friends who learned in Staten Island, the only one who had heard of it recalled a “rumor going around Beis Medrash” and he was skeptical of its veracity. I will continue to try to run down any leads, but if you would be more cooperative it would help.