Reply To: 3 Boys in Japan

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i think these boys had no reason to even be suspicious. i have an answer to all ur questions:

y would the man give them 3 tickets to japan?? and y 3???

bec this man had business to take care of but didnt have the time to go.

and these boys knew their taking something illegal, but this rasha that gave it to them told them that its —, and if its caught then u just have to give it in, like in america they take away any liquids, any sharp scissors, razors etc.

obviously it was worth a bit more money which is y they closed it up tightly. these boys were trying to go on a trip to lizensk for r’ elimelech m’lizensks yartzeit on chaf aleph adar but x afford it. someone sed… i have no time to go to japan but if u can just stop by on ur way to lizensk then ill pay for ur ticket.. he was a heimish man. these 3 boys figured that their doing a favor and hes paying for their tickets!! wat can be better?? obviously they x realize that there r insane ppl in this world. so they went. they got there and they looked nervous on their faces bec after all they did have something illegal.. so the guards at security opened them up and the rest is history. did i answer all your questions???