Reply To: Yeshiva Delay – Children Sitting Bored For Week At Home

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Yeshiva Delay – Children Sitting Bored For Week At Home Reply To: Yeshiva Delay – Children Sitting Bored For Week At Home



On a more serious note, can we expand this discussion beyond this week off. I think most of us would agree that the amount of time the boys get off, whether it is 10 or 11 weeks, is way too much. It is too much time away, plus it disrupts the continuity.

Many Monsey and Lakewood yeshivas both have only 4 or 5 weeks off.

I understand that a major change would affect the bungalow colonies, camps, etc. and obviously is a difficult change. But let’s acknowledge that this ridiculously long summer vacation is a hold over from a different era when Yeshivas had to compete with Public Schools many years ago.