Reply To: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis

Home Forums Shidduchim YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis Reply To: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis


Cherrybim: Statistics may lie – single girls never getting married never having children don’t.

Tzippi: YES YES YES. Mandating is not necessary. I won’t bore you with the math but if we are successful in having more close in age shidduchim to the tune of average one month closer than last year – the problem for THIS years entering girls will be solved. We will need to continuously close the gap by one month per year (and help each entering year) until we are about average age gap one year.

Eminently doable if we only paid attention. It’s doesn’t mean all marriages have to be close in age, just significantly more than in the past. B”H much has been done but as a community we are a far way from being finished.