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Oomis would you bother to explain the “Halachically Accepeted” ways of women forming a minyan? And how this jives with a two thousand year old mesorah of women not davening with a minyan?
Oh and while it is absurd to get into a debate about the chashivus with Purim I would note regarding your point of Hashems name not being mentioned in it that the Gra states the whenever “melech” is mentioned in the Megilla it refers to Hakodosh Boiruch Hu.
As to the fact that “Jewish Drunken Bums” are a chillul Hashem I must say on this poin we indeed Disagree I feel that the words of Chazal are more relevent then the opinions of NPR and therefore since Chazal obviously felt “Jewish Drunken Bums” are not a Chilul Hashem then that issue is settled.
Secondly again we shall have to agree to Disagree on another point Chazal state numerous times one cannot use their feelings in decideing levels of schar for a particular mitrzva you obviously disagree, again I side with Chazal.
In closing I would remind you that the Arizal did put Purim on the level of Yom KIppur (YOM KI-PURIM)regarding certain aspects of the day.