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Nathan, you are officially ready for Purim. You know ABSOLUTELY nothing about me or the kind of people with whom I am close friends, but you made a really WAY off the mark judgment. So be it. And a drunken bum is a drunken bum no matter what school he attends. I live near a “black hat” Yeshivah and have seen enough to turn any R”Y’s stomach. The problem is that the R”Y does NOT remain at the Yeshivah when the bochurim are carrying on like vildeh chayos, and does not see them puking on people’s lawns or hear them honking their horns at 3 AM. Sorry, but you could not be more wrong, but that is your prerogative. Lots of people make mistakes this time of year, and call those mistakes frumkeit, when all it really is is a lack of seichel and menschlechkeit. Whatever you do, please designate another (sober) driver for yourself when you fulfill the mitzvah of ADL”Y and have to get home. And make sure you are respectful of people who did not stay out as late as you do and might have babies trying to sleep.