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im in yfr right now and i can vouch for whatver nathan said. the mesiba purim nite hasnt been goin on for 3 yrs. this is the 4th yr there will no party. last yr i collected in far rock and let me tell u there are many many guys from other yeshivas walking around the neiborhood acting drunk and making noise, doing firecrackers and just making a chillul Hashem. I saw one chevra of yfr guys who were making a chillul Hashem but it mostly guys from other neighborhood yeshivos. one of the reasons this is true is half of yfr is from brooklyn and queens and they stay there for purim. another reason is yfr’s mashgiach has older beis medrash guys drining around the neighborhood as’spies’ and tells the mashgiach if any bochurim were out making a chillul Hashem and he tells them to go home. so oomis just because u see teens near your house drunk and making chillul Hashem gives you no right to not be dan lekav zchus and assume they r from yfr especially since there is no mesiba in yfr anymore and the building is completely locked up purim night.