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ok- this happened before- You just reminded me curious…

Parent calls up and the shidduch call is going well, then they say, I heard that the person may have done xyz or had xyz happen to him/her and nobody is giving me much info but I know that you know him best! (ouch)

BH I was able to work it out. I knew that although the situation happened it was being taken out of context and it would not have had any affect on the shidduch whatsoever. I did tell the parent that if they ask direct questions I may be able to help them out and I was able to explain the situation in somewhat of a positive light.

Other times you just have to try to be quick and think of a way to get out of answering right away. But it is important really for us to try not to be the ones to think we have the achrayis to share all types of info. Let us ask shailos when we dont know. I asked one person that confided informartion to me to please not give me as a reference! The truth is I have wonderful things to say when I am called. It is so hard though. And thats why we have to learn these halachos again and again.

Anymore scenarios or feedback on this last one??

Also how about when you give information and you use certain words freely that mean one thing to you but completely different worlds to others… so many lives can be black marked that way with very hard to repair damage!!!