Reply To: Shmiras Halashon

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Li’iluy Nishmas HaTzadekes Rebbetzin Cheryl Feldberger…. Hashkafa lesson of the day.

ppl tend to think that if I dont speak L”H I will have nothing left to say and wont have any friends! Punkt fakert! When you are careful wih your speech you will see that your conversations will become deeper and more meaningful as well as profound and will invigorate friendships and relationships!

HALACHA: Rechilus- You may not say rechilus abt a child. 10 yr old Moishy has a fight with friend Yanky Berger. Do NOT go tell Mrs. Berger that you saw Moishy hit her son because she will go and may cause undue harm to Moishy etc getting a whole family fight out of this!