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Poster; I am not implying C”V that it was any less of a Chesed.

I am however, noting the distinction, in that he was a volunteer, thus expecting

and anticipating the possibility of his day being interrupted by a call to help someone in a jam. This would also make his obligation to help extensively greater,

as this is exactly what he volunteered for, as opposed to the Bochur who was

driving home from yeshiva. Perhaps he was exhausted and wanted to go home to sleep.

Nevertheless, he stops off to help these yidden. Do you think they noticed him driving by? I dont think so. Maybe He should’ve just kept on driving, not letting his Yetzer Horah put him in such a situation!! For some reason everyone thinks He should’ve

stopped. But why? Maybe it was the yetzer horah’s plan.

some of you contradict yourselves with the comments you post.

How do you know the extent of the conversation they struck up.

Perhaps it was done in the most appropriate manner?

who said he was shmoozing with TWO girls as you say?

The OP says “they made small talk.” Do you know what that is?

You see he was only interested in ONE of the girls. This is further proof

that he was pursuing this as a potential shidduch.

The OP states “they have a nice conversation and agree to meet for a coffee.”

Is this not how many shidduchim come to pass?

Boy calls girl, they have a conversation which leads to the boy to choose a

meeting place. Do we really need the shadchan to play broken telephone,

repeating, ” he said wednesday night at 7:30,” now it’s Glatt Kosher.

For now the shadchan has Kashered the words so that they are pure,

empty from any hopes of a large payoff, or false interpretation of the boys words.

you state “A “Thank you very much” should have sufficed on both ends.”

Are you saying the boy should of ignored his interest in this

girl that he met through Hashgocha Protis?