Reply To: Crazy Shidduch Story

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NY MOM, perhaps I misunderstood your point, and if so, I AM sorry. But I did get the idea from what you posted that there was an implication that if he had acted on his own, somehow that WOULD be an issur. I may have misread between your lines.

Of COURSE nothing assur occurred, based on what we were told. But even had he actually asked the girls out, THAT would not be assur either. And I really wish for the rest of the world to understand that there are many different ways for shidduchim to come about. As long as the intentions are honorable, we need to chill out a little and not expect everything to always be done through a shadchan, a rov, or even a friend. Sometimes Hashem is the ONLY shadchan and HE throws two people together in order to make that match, and the more we intervene in it, the more likely that things may not turn out so well.