Reply To: Crazy Shidduch Story

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We always asked the question in our chumash shiur, “Was it possible that Yitzchak Avinu, possibly the holiest person ever (because he was pure Yerai Hashem, and a chosen korban)with all his nevuah could not discern that Esav was evil?” The answer my rov gave, is a real maasei Avos siman L’banim, in that we may believe that he was well aware of his son being off the derech, but he had hopes that by giving him the brachos, they would become a self-fulfilling prophecy for him, and he would do teshuva. The idea is for parents to never give up on even the worst child. there is always a potential for good, and since Esav was the role model for kibud Av, there was always hope for him.