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“So are you saying that Rav Nachman, Rav Huna, and Rabba bar Avuah were not frum enough since they did not consider themselves to be a Baal Nefesh?”;;;;;;;;;;;;
So are you saying that Rabba was ‘too frum’?
If not following Rav Nachuman and Rav Huna etc… is to claim that the person not following them is saying “They are not frum enough” then doing the opposite must by that logic, be saying that Rabba was being more machmir then he had a right to be, even when it was apparantly, a case of actual possible issues of kashrus and not just a matter of being “more machmir”.
;;;;;;;;;;”And TMB, what besides CY does a Baal Nefesh abstain from? And is a Baal Nefesh MACHMIR on HIMSELF all the time?
The above paragraph certainly seems to be contradicting the paragraph below, when someone is accused of forbidding what is allowed and I believe similar wording is used in some Halachas, to say, people are not allowed to do such things.
It certainly sounds like quite a harsh criticism when the next paragraph seems to be against criticising those who do not follow
things that the criticisers themselves, do.
;;;;;;;;;”So according to Rav Moshe, if this is the definition of who you are, you should be machmir. But says, Rav Moshe, regular milk of dairy companies are muter without any doubt and he says that one should not criticize anyone from drinking it. “;;;;;;;
This is what this thread looked like in the beginning;
An excuse to criticise those who drink only C’Y’ while at the time, demanding better treatment from those they criticise, to not do the same critricising, of those who drink C’S’
“I can criticise you, all I want, but don’t you dare criticise me”.
And nothing in any of these posts has done anything to convince me, that my first impressions of this thread, were wrong, in any way, shape or form.